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Time Management

Time Blocking

Time Management Tips for Busy Mamas

Sometimes life feels like a circus act. You know.

We mamas are the star performers in a seemingly endless juggling act. And we have an impressive lineup of hats to wear while we perform, don’t we?

Whether you’re a stay-at-home, work-at-home, or work-outside-the-home mom, I’m guessing you’ve probably struggled with time management before. Am I right?

Well, I thought you might like to hear about a time management strategy I’ve been experimenting with. It’s working splendidly for me so far, and it really wouldn’t be nice to keep it a secret, now would it? So without further ado…

Have you ever heard of the Pomodoro technique? I stumbled across it just a few weeks ago while searching for something, anything, to help me be more productive. It’s basically a variation of time blocking that was developed in the 1980s by a guy named Francesco Cirillo. His strategy utilizes one of my favorite tools – the timer. Francesco’s timer happened to be shaped like a tomato, hence the pomodoro technique! (That’s the Italian word for tomato.)

Don’t you love how timers can turn anything into a game? I love games.

Maybe you’d like to jump right in and play, too! Here’s my simple how-to to get you started:

1. Set your timer for 25 minutes and get to work.

2. When your timer goes off, take a 5 minute break.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2.

4. After two hours (four 25/5 blocks) take a 20 minute break.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 as needed.

To take things a step further, I’m combining the Pomodoro Technique with another productivity-enhancing method called batching.

Simply put, batching is grouping similar tasks to be completed during the same time period. For example, you could designate one of your time blocks for making phone calls, another one to pay bills, and another to sort through the baby’s clothes. It saves time to batch tasks that require the same tools, apps, or mindset. It’s far more efficient to open your laptop once to take care of seven digital tasks than it would be to open your laptop on seven different occasions. Make sense?

You can also break down larger projects and batch those tasks the same way. For example, if you manage a social media account, you might choose to write a whole week’s worth of content in one sitting. During your next work session you might edit photos to post with your written content. I’ve discovered that it’s not efficient to toggle among twenty tabs, ha!

Here’s another example: if your goal is to organize your entire house, you would break that project down by focusing on one room at a time or one category of items (clothes, books, toys) at a time.

Whatever your goal, focus on just one type of activity during each time block.

Time Management for Moms

I heard another idea on a podcast recently that has boosted my productivity immensely. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like turning my phone on Do Not Disturb mode while working away from the house. I mean, what if the babysitter has a question or there’s a family emergency?? I wouldn’t want to miss anything urgent or, heaven forbid, make someone wait for an answer to their question! So I remain perpetually available. And the downside to that is… SQUIRREL! All those dang notifications roll in and are very difficult to ignore.

Well, this particular podcaster gave me permission to set my phone on Do Not Disturb mode for short periods of time. Wait! You mean I don’t have to shut the world out for an hours-long chunk of time? Aha! (Anyone else struggle with all-or-nothing thinking?) 

I can work uninterrupted for the 25 minute time blocks, checking for messages only during my designated breaks. Genius!

Also, I may be the last one to have figured this out, but you can change your phone Settings to allow certain Contacts to reach you even when you’re in Do Not Disturb mode. I can relax now, knowing that my important people can reach me if needed.

So all these time management tips can be used together to help you hone those juggling skills and be a real class act mama.

Since implementing these techniques I’ve shared with you, I feel more focused.

And I’m definitely more productive!

Also, a mug of delicious hot coffee never hurts either. 😉

Time Management for Moms