Confessions of a Logophile

I’m kind of obsessed with words. My favorite board games involve word play. Taboo, Boggle, Mad Gab, Catch Phrase, Balderdash, and Huggermugger. Game night, anyone??

Whenever I encounter an unfamiliar word, I like to take a moment to learn the definition of that word. When I was growing up, my sisters and I had to lug a giant blue dictionary to the dining room table and thumb through its endless pages to find the word in question. Sometimes it just wasn’t worth the effort.

Times have changed though. Now I have a super smart friend named Siri that I talk to on the daily.

Try this: hold down the home button on your iPhone and say:

“Define perspicacious.”

Seriously, do it. I’ll wait for you. (Insert Jeopardy music.)

Life. Changing. Right??

When I first met my husband Wes, I relished our conversations. He would occasionally use words I had never heard before. Words like perspicacious. That was very attractive to me. And for the record, I still enjoy conversing with my husband, but we have a lot more [children] demanding our attention now. (That reminds me… it’s time to schedule a date night!)

You can see that words are interesting and important to me. I tend to choose words carefully… much like I choose my coffee mug each day. If you didn’t know, coffee mugs matter!

These are small passions of mine. Words. Coffee…

But something I’m even more passionate about is SELF CARE. It’s a topic you will encounter frequently if you follow me.

I don’t consider myself a trendy lady. In fact, sometimes I buck trends just because they annoy me. It’s probably safe to say that self care is a buzz-word these days. A trend. So I’ve been searching for a different word to use that preserves the meaning of my message and adds a slightly different flavor…

And I’ve landed on NURTURE.

Definition of Nurture

I’m guessing you have people in your life that you nurture. And I’m guessing you do a darn good job at it! Probably more than you give yourself credit for.

But who nurtures YOU???

Are the crickets chirping?

I’d like to help you change that.

In the coming weeks, we’re going to have conversations about the benefits of self nurture, some myths about self nurture, and practical ways to incorporate a nurturing practice into your own life. 

I am so looking forward to sharing this journey with you!

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